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The White Tube
The White Tube is a space for contemporary art situated at Tøyen subway station in Oslo, established in 2006. With its large showcases inserted into the wall, TWT functions as a hybrid between a gallery and public art.
We have had the pleasure of presenting a variation of artists from Norway and abroad. Since the space is situated in public for passersbys to see, TWT addresses people who don’t necessarily seek arenas for contemporary art. This gives the artists exhibited the possibility of reaching a large audience.

Tøyen subway station is unique in its location, close to the Munch Museum, the Botanical Gardens and the Tøyen Public Bath. Thousands of travellers and tourists from all over the world will be able to see their art.
TWT is run by The G.U.N.-Ladies in collaboration with Oslo Metro Service AS and with support from The Arts Council Norway.