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The Art of Hospitality
Through “The Art of Hospitality" (2000-2005) the G.U.N.-Ladies initiated several exchange projects with non-commercial galleries and hosted a number of different artists from around the world.
This project was actually the first “Artist in Residence” program in Oslo. “The Art of Hospitality” was started in 2000 when we saw the advantage of having a living unit for visiting artists. The thought came about that other artist-run spaces probably had the same needs. We therefore started to export bunkbeds.
In connection with each bunkbed donation we arranged some sort of happening. We did screenings, performances, had informal talks or presented artists.
It was our wish that the bunkbed remained in the space that we visited, facilitating accommodation for future projects and exhibitions by visiting artists.
In return for the bunkbed we asked each gallery or organisation for a return exhibition or project. In this way the bunkbed helped to produce interesting collaborations and new possibilities, as well as giving the public a little taste of interesting developments within the non-commercial part of the art world. In effect we wished to build a simple but worldwide network of galleries joining forces across national borders, where the bunk bed most of all became a symbol of co-operation and generosity.
For OsloOpen 2003 we decided to present our network. We therefore produced "People, places, beds and spaces" a catalogue listing all our contacts.
In April 2005 The G.U.N.-Ladies donated the last bunkbed to Tou Scene in Stavanger (a centre for contemporary arts and music). They have now adopted the project by offering residency possibilities to artists.

Artists in Residence at G.U.N. 2000-2005

Amanda Cardell & Martin Nordström (SE)
Clare Thornton (UK)
Unwetter Group (DE)
Eva Merz (DK)
Terry van Druten (NL)
ROOM: Karin de Jong and Ewoud van Rijn (NL)
Carlesso Carlesso (DE)
Pärlplatteklubben: Eva Linder, Lars Nilsson Joel Westeberg and Mathilde Olof-Ors (SE)
Matt Gery (US)
Carlos Mallol, Tono Camunas, Xavier Monsalvatje, Oscar Mora (ESP)
Lotta Petronella (SF), Cecilia Westerberg (DK) Lena Ignestam (SE),
Carina Zunino (DK), Rikka Houd (DK)
Staffan Jofjell (SE)
Dzintars Zilgalvis, Leva Auzina, Liga Miezite and Juris Boiko (LV)
Toril Nøst (N)
Nina Bacos (SE)

When The G.U.N.-Ladies visited Tribes in New York 2003 we met Hal Sirowitz. He liked our Art of Hospitality Project, so we asked him to write something about Hospitality. He wrote us this poem:

The Misplaced Hammer
by Hal Sirowitz

You´re welcome to play with my hammer,
Father said, as long as you return it
to my toolbox. If you leave it on the floor
and I trip over it, you´ll realize that hospitality
can be taken back faster than it was given.
And if I fall, it may be a long time until I´ll
let you use that hammer again. I´ll hide it
where you´ll never find it. It´ll become a memory,
like the bump you helped put on my head.
Performance during OsloOpen 2003