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Kjetil Skøien
Would you betray the one you love if you knew that
youwould loose him for 21 years, which means

Especially women hides there husbands criminal acts.
The responsibility for the home, marriage and love
become more important than the responsibility for
the society and the vicitims. Many women, and also
men, are carrying cruel secrets and struggling with
the question if they should tell this to friends and
family or to the police.

Ines was convicted to 15 years in prison because she
didn´t betray the one she loved. Andreas killed 4
people. Ines was convicted as accessory. Andreas
was 17 years old when he killed someone for the
first time. He told Ines that he wanted to kill her
because she refused to have sex with him, one
evening when they had been to a party, but he
couldn´t kill the one he loved, so he went out in the
night and killeda temporary passing man.

Skøien has visited the prison in Vilnius, an old
monastery, where Ines and Andreas serve their
sentences. The project shows photos from
the prison, drawings and texts containing

Kjetil Skøien is graduated at The Academy of
Fine Arts in Oslo.
He works with video, performance, drawings and
photo. He is purchased by the Nationalmuseum
of Art in Oslo. He has had several exhibitions in
Norway and abroad. He has worked as a theatre
director and scenographer at different theatres in
Norway and abroad. For the moment he is running
the performance project PASSAGE NORD.

Kjetil Skøyen